Monday, June 8, 2009

C. Perez; Freud unblind me!

My favorite subject in this semester its "Del Verosímil" or arts and psychoanalysis. The professor who teaches that subject is Carlos Perez, who is a very special character. He put a very strong emphasis in his teaching, especially when he talks about really really important stuffs. He looks very excited when he pronounces words in German, and personally the language likes me a lot too! The subject talks about interesting topics who involves the perceptions of truth of the world and us human behavior. Authors like Jay, Benjamin, and specially Freud are really essential to understand our modern living. The marcs that different facts leaves us like impressions are is reflected in all of the culture history. Like our professor says the marcs that affect ourselves in the moment that we aren’t subjects, are re-significant after, affecting to us in all ours present beings. I really likes this subject because is open my experience of the things, to see more than a superficial impression and search the real truth of the forms! O:! I’m a lover of the details, the funny and imperceptible things. Now I know that this little moments and gestures of ours lives are really essential to understand a lot of ourselves, the others, and obviously the artistic creations.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Immanuel Kant

I'm not going to talk about only one author of my specific field, the aesthetic, because there are so many different kinds of thinking trends, that choose only one writer will be very difficult and impoverish the importance of the influences of different school thoughts.

But, without doubt, one of the most important author that open the modern thinking was Immanuel Kant.

Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher born in 1724, in middle of the age of Enlightenment, when was the primacy of the reason, concept taken of the ancients Greeks philosopher and articulated under the Decart's postulate "cogito ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am".

The writes and critics of Kant, based in thinking about the human works, influenced different areas like science, politics and obviously aesthetic.

His most important work for the aesthetic was the "Kritik der Urteilskraft" or "Critic to the faculty of Judgments".

The critic talks about the special condition of the aesthetic judgment, in the relation of representations and the same subject, opening in that way the after reflections and critics about subjectivity and arts.